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Bankruptcy of individuals

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Bankruptcy of individuals
Bankruptcy – what it is and why they turn to it. Why it is important to attract a lawyer for the bankruptcy of individuals and what is his job.
The main advantages of working with us on debt cancellation
  • We write off all debts in the shortest possible time and with the least time cost for you on your part;
  • We provide consultations and assistance in collecting documents for judicial bankruptcy
  • Flexible installments for our services;
  • Court bankruptcy without your participation on a turnkey basis;
  • Possible installment payment for our services.

Specialists of a law firm for the bankruptcy of an individual on a turnkey basis (recognition of bankruptcy), the law firm "NAFCO" will help you quickly and in accordance with the established legal norms to get rid of unwanted debt. We carry out a full range of procedures, including the assistance of a bankruptcy trustee of an individual. You can always rely on our competence and professionalism.
The main advantages of working with us on debt cancellation
  • We write off all debts in the shortest possible time and with the least time cost for you on your part;
  • We provide consultations and assistance in collecting documents for judicial bankruptcy
  • Flexible installments for our services;
  • Court bankruptcy without your participation on a turnkey basis;
  • Possible installment payment for our services.
The advantages of assistance in writing off loan debts to individuals are as follows:
The ability to completely legally get rid of debt; your debts are not growing. There will be no fines, interest and penalties that increase the amount of debt at times; Enforcement proceedings with bailiffs are completely stopped; The ban on leaving the Russian Federation is lifted; Collection agencies do not bother you. Any interaction with a person who is at the stage of bankruptcy is prohibited.
The complex of work is organized as follows::
We write off all debts in the shortest possible time and with the least time costs for you on your part; We provide consultations and assistance in collecting documents for judicial bankruptcy Flexible installments for our services; Judicial bankruptcy without your participation turnkey;
Successful completed debt write-off cases
- As a result of the bankruptcy procedure, the principal was released from obligations in the amount of 1.8 million rubles.
The client lost her job, as a result of which she was unable to meet credit obligations to banks. As part of the provision of legal assistance, the necessary documents were collected and an application for recognition of a citizen as insolvent (bankrupt) was submitted, which was satisfied by the court. The bankruptcy procedure was supported, in which the court excluded funds from the bankruptcy estate to pay for housing rent, and as a result, the debtor was released from obligations to creditors (banks).
-The former nominee director of the company is protected from subsidiary liability in the amount of 3.5 billion rubles
By the ruling of the Arbitration Court of Moscow, the court recovered the principal in favor of the bankrupt (debtor) organization a colossal sum in the amount of 3 405 432 958 rubles. From the second defendant, the court recovered the amount of 531 700 201 rubles. The court also collected jointly from both defendants in the bankruptcy estate the amount of 24 860 234.33 rubles for the current obligations of the debtor. The appellate instance agreed with the ruling of the court of first instance, and the court of cassation overturned the ruling of the Arbitration Court of Moscow and the decision of the Ninth Arbitration Court of Appeal and sent the case for a new hearing to the court of first instance.As a result of reconsideration of the application for subsidiary liability, the Arbitration Court of Moscow refused to satisfy the bankruptcy trustee of his unreasonable demands for the subsidiary liability of former nominee directors and the recovery of 3 961 993 394 rubles from them.
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Компания «НАФКО» отмечена как приоритетная при сотрудничестве и рекомендована к программе «Лучшее предприятие отрасли 2020»
Компания «НАФКО» заняла 36 место в рейтинге 100 лучших юридических компании Росси, по версии делового интернет-журнала White Square Journal
Юридическая фирма «НАФКО» вновь отмечена Chambers and Partners Europe 2020 в категории Energy & Natural Resources
Юридическая компания ,,НАФКО,, отмечена международным рейтингом Chambers Europe 2019, раздел Energy & Natural Resources
По результатам международного рейтинга Chambers Europe 2018 юридическая компания «НАФКО» рекомендована в разделе Energy & Natural Resources. В 2017 году компания была отмечена в разделе «Разрешение споров» (Dispute Resolution: Domestic).
Новый корпоративный сайт «НАФКО» занял 2-ое место в номинации «Самый полезный сайт юридической фирмы – 2017» по версии журнала Legal Insight.
Юридическая компания «НАФКО» на протяжении нескольких лет является лидером рейтинга Право.ru-300 по направлениям «Налоговое право и налоговые споры», «Арбитражное судопроизводство».
Международный рейтинг IFLR1000 рекомендует юридическую компанию «НАФКО» в области «Энергетика и инфраструктура».
В рамках проведенного ИД «КоммерсантЪ» исследования юридического бизнеса в 2016 г. компания «НАФКО» отмечена в рейтинге лучших отраслевых практик в разделе «Электроэнергетика», а также в рейтинге лучших юридических практик в разделе «Разрешение налоговых споров».
Юридическая компания«НАФКО» с 2015 года является членом Палаты налоговых консультантов.
Юридическая компания «НАФКО» получила награду International Star for Leadership in Quality Award, учрежденную независимой компанией Business Initiative Directions, за выдающиеся успехи в бизнесе, высокий уровень мастерства и флагманские позиции в области качества.
Юридическая компания «НАФКО» удостоена статуса «Лидер России 2013», заняв 11-е место в ТОП-50 предприятий-лидеров деятельности в области права по данным Национального бизнес-рейтинга.
Юридическая компания «НАФКО» стала победителем всероссийского конкурса «100 лучших предприятий и организаций России - 2012», организованного Международным форумом «Инновации и Развитие», в номинации «Лучшее предприятие в сфере оказания правовых услуг в области энергетики».

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