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Interaction with government agencies

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Interaction with government agencies
The company "NAFCO" provides professional services aimed at representing and protecting the interests of the Client in relations with government agencies. The interaction of business and government is closely connected today. The company "NAFCO" will get rid of routine work, will take over business correspondence, drafting appeals and statements, representing interests at various meetings and commissions.
Due to the introduction of electronic document management, when interacting with tax authorities, business has a new headache – constant correspondence with the Federal Tax Service.

All kinds of requirements from the Federal Tax Service for the provision of documents, explanations on various transactions, calls to VAT commissions, salary commission, reconciliation of legal addresses – all this takes away a lot of time and nerves from business, and sometimes harmless requests as a result lead to a dispute with the tax authorities, which can result in inspections of activities, including on-site tax audits.

NAFCO has separated disputes with tax authorities into a separate practice, provides a full range of legal services, starting from consultations on the specifics of taxation in a particular area of business and ending with complex litigation with tax authorities based on the results of on-site inspections and decisions on bringing a taxpayer to responsibility.

  • Analysis of the availability of assets and liabilities
  • Analysis of financial performance
  • Analysis of working and non-working capital
  • Debt capital analysis
  • The procedure for organizing financial accounting
  • The current activities of companies require constant compliance with the norms of the current legislation, in whatever field the company operates:

  • Compliance with migration legislation when hiring foreigners
  • Compliance with traffic regulations when using cars, owned by the company
  • Compliance with the Urban Planning Code during the construction/demolition of buildings and structures
  • Carrying out the company's activities without a license
  • Violation of the legislation on joint stock companies and other

  • All this and much more is fraught for the company and its executive body to be brought to administrative responsibility with the imposition of rather large fines. At the same time, it does not matter whether the CEO of the company knew whether he violated the Law when performing certain actions or not. At the same time, bringing the company to administrative responsibility will be inevitable. NAFCO specialists offer full legal support of projects for compliance with the law, in order to save our dear clients from additional expenses during their implementation.
    Since 2015, amendments to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation have been in effect in the Russian Federation, in connection with which the tax base on real estate is determined by cadastral value. The cadastral value can be recalculated at intervals from 1 to 5 years, depending on the subject of the Russian Federation, while it is possible to challenge the result of the assessment within 5 years.

    Any citizen or organization can challenge the cadastral value, however, in order for this event to bring results, it is necessary to prepare carefully. In particular, it is necessary to observe the pre-trial procedure, which consists in challenging the evaluation results through a special commission at the Rosreestr.

    As for the trial, in addition to an extract from the EGRN, it is necessary to submit an expert assessment of the market value of real estate, as well as information confirming that the assessment was carried out incorrectly. This is exactly where the help of a qualified lawyer is needed, since often the success of such cases depends on a competent interpretation of the facts, and it is very difficult to do this without special knowledge.

    During the provision of services, NAFCO specialists:

  • They will carefully study the grounds and conditions for conducting the audit;
  • They will monitor compliance with your rights during control measures;
  • Will consult on issues of interaction with regulatory authorities;
  • Will help to develop contracts and other local acts in accordance with the requirements of legal norms;
  • Analyze the acts and resolutions drawn up based on the results of the audit;
  • Appeal the decisions violating the rights;
  • Will represent the interests of the client in cooperation with regulatory authorities and judicial authorities.

  • Project experience
  • Representing the interests of a startup in a dispute with the Skolkovo Foundation on the issue of the intended use of the grant received, as a result of which the parties signed a settlement agreement on terms favorable to the Client.

    Advising a company that is part of a large holding company in connection with the implementation of an investment project for the construction of a residential complex on a land plot owned by the company in Moscow: structuring transactions, risk assessment, drafting contracts.

    A project on judicial protection of the interests of Inter RAO – Electric Generation JSC in a dispute with Promsvyazbank PJSC, which refused to fulfill the requirements for a bank guarantee with reference to information from the general contractor about his lack of guilt in disrupting the construction of the power facility.

    Representing the interests of a Client - an energy industry enterprise in a court dispute on the inclusion of claims in the register of creditors' claims.

    Representation of the client's interests in the framework of a challenge to the Federal Antimonopoly Service for violations of antimonopoly legislation regarding the execution of the act of differentiation of balance sheet ownership.

    Representing the interests of an energy marketing company in a court dispute on debt collection, the reason for which was disagreement on the procedure for calculating the tariff for services rendered during the disputed period. The specialists of NAFCO-Consultants entered the case at the stage of applying to the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation, canceled the acts of lower courts and succeeded in sending the case for a new hearing. The economic effect of the project amounted to more than 690 million rubles.

    Implementation of the project for reconstruction, redevelopment and re-equipment of the business center building, including: obtaining permits and approvals for work; interaction with cadastral engineers, BTI, design and geodetic organizations, Architectural and Planning Management, Moscow Architecture, the Department of Land Resources of Moscow, the Committee for Cultural Heritage of Moscow, the Office of the Federal State Registration Service cadastre and Cartography, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in Moscow and other organizations.

    Representing the interests of a research institute in the framework of a lawsuit on debt collection under a contract (supply and installation of equipment).

    Advising a Client in connection with the implementation of a development project in Moscow, including on compliance with land and environmental legislation, execution of lease agreements for land, premises, etc.

    Representation of the Client's interests on the issue of cadastral registration of an office building and amendments to the State Cadastre of Real Estate in connection with the redevelopment and changes in the area of the building.

    A project to protect the interests of the Client in court disputes with individual entrepreneurs for a total amount of more than 110 million rubles, which arose in connection with the refusal to transfer real estate objects in favor of entrepreneurs, according to the concluded equity participation agreements. Within the framework of the trials that took place, the specialists of NAFCO-Consultants managed to prove the groundlessness of the claims and to achieve a refusal to satisfy the claims in full.

    Implementation of a project on registration of ownership of a land plot in Moscow, including adjustment of the boundaries of the land plot and registration of a change in the purpose of land use.

    Advising a Client in connection with the implementation of a development project (a business center located in Moscow), including on the shortcomings of the reconstruction and repair of the building.
  • Practice clients
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    Компания «НАФКО» отмечена как приоритетная при сотрудничестве и рекомендована к программе «Лучшее предприятие отрасли 2020»
    Компания «НАФКО» заняла 36 место в рейтинге 100 лучших юридических компании Росси, по версии делового интернет-журнала White Square Journal
    Юридическая фирма «НАФКО» вновь отмечена Chambers and Partners Europe 2020 в категории Energy & Natural Resources
    Юридическая компания ,,НАФКО,, отмечена международным рейтингом Chambers Europe 2019, раздел Energy & Natural Resources
    По результатам международного рейтинга Chambers Europe 2018 юридическая компания «НАФКО» рекомендована в разделе Energy & Natural Resources. В 2017 году компания была отмечена в разделе «Разрешение споров» (Dispute Resolution: Domestic).
    Новый корпоративный сайт «НАФКО» занял 2-ое место в номинации «Самый полезный сайт юридической фирмы – 2017» по версии журнала Legal Insight.
    Юридическая компания «НАФКО» на протяжении нескольких лет является лидером рейтинга Право.ru-300 по направлениям «Налоговое право и налоговые споры», «Арбитражное судопроизводство».
    Международный рейтинг IFLR1000 рекомендует юридическую компанию «НАФКО» в области «Энергетика и инфраструктура».
    В рамках проведенного ИД «КоммерсантЪ» исследования юридического бизнеса в 2016 г. компания «НАФКО» отмечена в рейтинге лучших отраслевых практик в разделе «Электроэнергетика», а также в рейтинге лучших юридических практик в разделе «Разрешение налоговых споров».
    Юридическая компания«НАФКО» с 2015 года является членом Палаты налоговых консультантов.
    Юридическая компания «НАФКО» получила награду International Star for Leadership in Quality Award, учрежденную независимой компанией Business Initiative Directions, за выдающиеся успехи в бизнесе, высокий уровень мастерства и флагманские позиции в области качества.
    Юридическая компания «НАФКО» удостоена статуса «Лидер России 2013», заняв 11-е место в ТОП-50 предприятий-лидеров деятельности в области права по данным Национального бизнес-рейтинга.
    Юридическая компания «НАФКО» стала победителем всероссийского конкурса «100 лучших предприятий и организаций России - 2012», организованного Международным форумом «Инновации и Развитие», в номинации «Лучшее предприятие в сфере оказания правовых услуг в области энергетики».

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