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Projects and clients
Representing the interests of an energy marketing company when appealing the results of a desk tax audit in court. The result of the project was the recognition of additional charges by the tax authority as illegal in full.
Representing the interests of a startup in a dispute with the Skolkovo Foundation on the issue of the intended use of the grant received, as a result of which the parties signed a settlement agreement on terms favorable to the Client.
Advising a company that is part of a large holding company in connection with the implementation of an investment project for the construction of a residential complex on a land plot owned by the company in Moscow: structuring transactions, risk assessmen
Advising a company that is part of a large holding company in connection with the implementation of an investment project for the construction of a residential complex on a land plot owned by the company in Moscow: structuring transactions, risk assessmen
Advising a company that is part of a large holding company in connection with the implementation of an investment project for the construction of a residential complex on a land plot owned by the company in Moscow: structuring transactions, risk assessmen
Advising a company that is part of a large holding company in connection with the implementation of an investment project for the construction of a residential complex on a land plot owned by the company in Moscow: structuring transactions, risk assessmen
  • Representing the interests of an energy marketing company when appealing the results of a desk tax audit in court. The result of the project was the recognition of additional charges by the tax authority as illegal in full.
  • Representation of the interests of Mosenergosbyt PJSC when appealing the results of an on-site tax audit in court. Within the framework of this dispute, for the first time, the claims of the tax authority against the company financing the activities of R&
  • Participation in the implementation of a project to identify property tax reserves at the energy company (Clause 11 of Article 381 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation), within which the taxpayer's right to apply the specified benefit in the amount o
  • Representing the interests of the generating company in the framework of challenging the results of desk tax audits, as a result of which the taxpayer's right to apply property tax benefits provided for in paragraph 11 of Article 381 and paragraph 3 of Ar
  • A project on judicial protection of the interests of Inter RAO – Electric Generation JSC in a dispute with Promsvyazbank PJSC, which refused to fulfill the requirements for a bank guarantee with reference to information from the general contractor about h
  • A project to represent the interests of PJSC MOESK in the arbitration courts of the Moscow, Central and Ural districts in more than 40 cases on the recovery of the cost of non-contractual consumption from consumers of electric energy. For the Client, such
  • Representation of the interests of JSC "VTI" (the defendant in the case) in the framework of the judicial process on the recovery of debts under the contract under the writ of execution. In the court of cassation instance, the specialists of "NAFCO - Cons
  • Representation of the Client's interests in the court of cassation instance in a dispute on debt collection in the amount of 265 million rubles, as a result of which it was possible to cancel judicial acts that were negative for the client and convince th
  • A project to represent the interests of PJSC MOESK in the arbitration courts of the Moscow, Central and Ural districts in more than 40 cases on the recovery of the cost of non-contractual consumption from consumers of electric energy. For the Client, such
  • Implementation of a comprehensive project to bring the company as a network organization to the market for the provision of services for the transmission of electric energy, including the preparation and implementation of measures to protect the tariff fo
  • Representation of the client's interests in the framework of a judicial challenge to the decision of the Kaliningrad Region State Price and Tariff Regulation Service to refuse to establish a tariff for electricity transmission services.
  • Representation of the client's interests in the framework of a challenge to the Federal Antimonopoly Service for violations of antimonopoly legislation regarding the execution of the act of differentiation of balance sheet ownership.
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    Компания «НАФКО» отмечена как приоритетная при сотрудничестве и рекомендована к программе «Лучшее предприятие отрасли 2020»
    Компания «НАФКО» заняла 36 место в рейтинге 100 лучших юридических компании Росси, по версии делового интернет-журнала White Square Journal
    Юридическая фирма «НАФКО» вновь отмечена Chambers and Partners Europe 2020 в категории Energy & Natural Resources
    Юридическая компания ,,НАФКО,, отмечена международным рейтингом Chambers Europe 2019, раздел Energy & Natural Resources
    По результатам международного рейтинга Chambers Europe 2018 юридическая компания «НАФКО» рекомендована в разделе Energy & Natural Resources. В 2017 году компания была отмечена в разделе «Разрешение споров» (Dispute Resolution: Domestic).
    Новый корпоративный сайт «НАФКО» занял 2-ое место в номинации «Самый полезный сайт юридической фирмы – 2017» по версии журнала Legal Insight.
    Юридическая компания «НАФКО» на протяжении нескольких лет является лидером рейтинга Право.ru-300 по направлениям «Налоговое право и налоговые споры», «Арбитражное судопроизводство».
    Международный рейтинг IFLR1000 рекомендует юридическую компанию «НАФКО» в области «Энергетика и инфраструктура».
    В рамках проведенного ИД «КоммерсантЪ» исследования юридического бизнеса в 2016 г. компания «НАФКО» отмечена в рейтинге лучших отраслевых практик в разделе «Электроэнергетика», а также в рейтинге лучших юридических практик в разделе «Разрешение налоговых споров».
    Юридическая компания«НАФКО» с 2015 года является членом Палаты налоговых консультантов.
    Юридическая компания «НАФКО» получила награду International Star for Leadership in Quality Award, учрежденную независимой компанией Business Initiative Directions, за выдающиеся успехи в бизнесе, высокий уровень мастерства и флагманские позиции в области качества.
    Юридическая компания «НАФКО» удостоена статуса «Лидер России 2013», заняв 11-е место в ТОП-50 предприятий-лидеров деятельности в области права по данным Национального бизнес-рейтинга.
    Юридическая компания «НАФКО» стала победителем всероссийского конкурса «100 лучших предприятий и организаций России - 2012», организованного Международным форумом «Инновации и Развитие», в номинации «Лучшее предприятие в сфере оказания правовых услуг в области энергетики».

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